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King County, WA

DCHS VSHSL - Understand Community Priorities RFP
CLOSED  Deadline  11/20/2020
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Description  [hide this]

About: The King County Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) is pleased to release this Request for Proposal: Understand Community Priorities, with funding from the Veterans, Seniors and Human Services (VSHSL) and guidance from the VSHSL Implementation Plan.

This request seeks entities to conduct community assessments to assess the strengths, barriers and needs of geographic, cultural or experiential communities in King County.  These assessments will inform service delivery by VSHSL-funded providers and shape future levy development work.  This program will fund nine community assessments, three per population area (veterans, seniors, resilient communities/vulnerable populations).

Please refer to the Library tab for the full RFP and associated attachments.

Available Funding: Up to $958,347 in Veterans, Seniors and Human Services Levy funds 

Investment Period: January 1, 2021 - Dec. 31, 2023 (subject to change)

Bidders Conference:
Monday October 19, 2020, 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.

The 10/19 Bidders Conference recording and presentation slides are located in the ZoomGrants library. The Bidders Conference recording may also be accessed here:  

Questions: Submit questions through the Contact Admin tab. Final day to submit questions is November 9, 2020. The final Q&A document is available below in the Document Library.

Proposals Due:  Proposals must be emailed to Tamaso Johnson ( no later than 10:00 a.m. on November 20, 2020.

Please note:

  • Due to technical difficulties with our online system, we are re-opening the RFP and offering an extension of the deadline for submission of applications until 10:00 a.m. on Friday, November 20, 2020. To ensure that all required application materials are received, please email ALL application materials to Tamaso Johnson ( no later than 10:00 a.m. on November 20, 2020.
  • NOTE: Because of technical difficulties with the ZoomGrants site, we are also asking applicants who have already submitted applications through ZoomGrants to take the additional step of emailing all application materials to in order to ensure materials are received.
  • All communication regarding this RFP must be directed to the Procurement Lead at All other communication will be considered unofficial and non-binding on DCHS. Communication directed to parties other than the Procurement Lead may result in disqualification of the potential bidder.


Notifcation of Award Decisions: December 2020

Anticipated Contract Start Date (subject to change): January 1, 2021

The dates listed above are subject to change. The full RFP and associated attachments are available for download under the Library tab. Applicants are advised to review these documents in their entirety for guidance on the purpose, requested program models, application questions and deadlines. Applicants are responsible for regularly checking ZoomGrants for any updates, clarifications, or amendments that may be uploaded.

Eligibility  [hide this]

This request is open to persons, nonprofit organizations, community-based organizations, tribes and tribal organizations, and social organizations serving and based in King County communities.

Funds will be awarded through a process designed to support the communities, perspectives, and persons least connected to King County investments, programming, or public supports. King County reserves the right to select an application that supports a particularly marginalized community or provides insight into a community which has not been supported through any prior King County funding.

Eligible applicants must meet the following minimum qualifications:

  • Currently serve, identify as, or support the proposed community to be assessed in King County.
  • Currently reside within or engage with the proposed community to be assessed in King County with the ability to travel and conduct the assessment to disparate and marginalized members of the community.

Application Requirements  [hide this]

Please submit your proposal via ZoomGrants. Complete proposals must include the following:

  • Responses to Summary Questions (See Attachment A for reference)
  • Completed and uploaded Geographic Service Intent Form (See Attachment B for reference)
  • Completed Organizational Equity Chart (See chart in Attachment C for reference)
  • Responses to Narrative Questions (See Attachment C for reference)
  • Completed and uploaded Budget (See Attachment D for reference)

Library  [hide this]
Description File Name Date Uploaded File Type
SE5 Understand Community Priorities RFP SE5_Understand_Community_Priorities_RFP.pdf 10/12/2020 1:16:57 PM PDF
Attachment A - Summary Questions Attachment-A_SE5_Summary_Questions.docx 10/12/2020 1:17:24 PM DOCX
Attachment B - Geographic Service Intent Form Attachment-B_SE5_Geographic_Service_Intent_Form.xlsx 10/12/2020 1:17:41 PM XLSX
Attachment C - Narrative Questions Attachment-C-SE5_Narrative_Questions.docx 10/12/2020 1:18:05 PM DOCX
Attachment D - Budget Attachment-D_SE5_Budget.xlsx 10/12/2020 1:18:27 PM XLSX
Attachment E - Technical Assistance Attachment-E_SE5_Technical_Assistance.docx 10/12/2020 1:18:49 PM DOCX
Attachment F - King County DCHS 2019-2020 Services Boilerplate Attachment-F_SE5_King_County_DCHS_2019-2020_Services_Boilerplate.pdf 10/12/2020 1:19:19 PM PDF
Attachment G - General Terms Attachment-G_SE5_General_Terms.docx 10/12/2020 1:19:37 PM DOCX
10.19.20 Bidders Conference Recording LINK 10/20/2020 5:42:29 PM LINK
10.19.20 Bidders Conference Presentation 101920SE5BiddersConferencePresentation.pdf 10/20/2020 5:43:01 PM PDF
SE5 RFP Addendum 1 - November 6 SE5_Addendum-1_Posted_110620.pdf 11/6/2020 4:42:54 PM PDF
SE5 RFP Questions & Answers Oct 12 to Nov 9 SE5RFPQA101220to110920.pdf 11/16/2020 10:02:28 AM PDF
SE5 RFP Addendum 2 - November 17 Addendum-2_Posted_111720.pdf 11/17/2020 4:52:21 PM PDF

$ 0.00 requested
Application Status: Not Submitted

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Summary Questions Part 1 (not scored) Summary Questions Part 2 (Not Scored) Narrative Questions (Scored) Organizational Equity Chart (Required) Required Documents Activity Log

Summary Questions Part 1 (not scored) (answers are saved automatically when you move to another field)
Instructions Show/Hide

The following questions help King County’s Department of Community and Human Services understand the characteristics of organizations that are applying for this RFP. These questions will not be used in the RFP scoring.

Application Title/Project Name
Amount Requested
Please list the ENTIRE amount you are requesting over the 2021-2023 program period.

Applicant Information

First Name
Last Name
Organization Information
(changes to this data will be reflected on all other applications for this organization)

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