We are excited to share the Youth Led Communications Campaign RFP. This project will fund community based organizations with experience supporting youth led projects to launch a youth led communications campaign focused on promoting social and emotional mental health and well-being, while reducing stigma associated with mental health topics, and share culturally relevant mental health resources with youth in King County.
This campaign will center youth in leveraging their own experience and expertise in developing creative social media posts, developed by them, for them. This project will have outcomes and goals related to youth having positive social emotional development, reducing/preventing youth substance use, and youth reporting excellant/very good health. To learn more about the background behind this RFP, checkout this presentation detailing a landscape assessment and focus groups conducted by MPH student Leah Lukban, about youth perspectives on social media communications for mental health: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFBwlrpAoM/Z4oIJdlF3dFvukqnsXg7HQ/edit?utm_content=DAFBwlrpAoM&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton#1