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King County, WA

MIDD SI-02: 2023-2025 Rural Behavioral Health RFP
CLOSED  Deadline  9/8/2023
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Please refer to the RFP document under the Library tab to see the full RFP details.

The King County Department of Community and Health Services’ (DCHS) Behavioral Health and Recovery Division (BHRD) is pleased to release this Request for Proposal (RFP) for the 2023 – 2025 MIDD SI-02 Rural Behavioral Health. This RFP and the resulting grants will increase access and availability of behavioral health care in rural, unincorporated areas of King County.


On or around November 1, 2023 to December 31, 2025. Note: Funding for 2025 remains subject to appropriation by King County Council.


Applicant's Conference: August 16, 2023 | 3 pm - 4:30 pm

Teams Meeting

Click here to join the meeting 

or contact Gretchen Bruce at or Ziying Hu at to request a calendar reminder and link to the meeting.

The Applicant's Conference will be recorded, and recording uploaded to Zoomgrants Library

Final Day to Submit Questions:  August 28 2023, 2:00 PM (PST)

Proposals Due: September 8, 2023 by 2:00 PM (PST)

Responses Reviewed:  mid September, 2023 - mid October, 2023

Award Announcement early to early November 2023.


All documents to be submitted in response to this RFP should be uploaded through ZoomGrants.

The Procurement Lead is the sole point of contact for this procurement. All communication regarding the subject matter of this opportunity between the applicants and DCHS upon release of this RFP must be through ZoomGrants or the Procurement Lead, as follows:

Jim Gayton, RFP Lead,

Any other communication will be considered unofficial and non-binding on DCHS. Applicants are to rely on written statements issued by the Procurement Lead. Communication directed to parties other than the Procurement Lead on this opportunity may result in disqualification of the applicant.

The dates listed above are subject to change. The full RFP and associated attachments are available for download under the Library tab. Proposers are advised to review these documents in their entirety for guidance on the purpose, requested program models, application questions, and deadlines. Proposers are responsible for regularly checking ZoomGrants for any updates, clarifications, or amendments that may be uploaded.

Questions  [hide this]

Interested parties may submit questions in writing prior to the date and time indicated in the RFP schedule through the Contact Admin tab in ZoomGrants. The DCHS response to all questions received will be posted as an RFP addendum on ZoomGrants.

If potential Applicants experience technical difficulties with ZoomGrants leading up to the due date, please email your Proposal to the RFP Lead directly to avoid a late submission.

Applicants are encouraged to complete their Proposal early to avoid any difficulties or errors in submission. DCHS is not responsible for any technical difficulties that an Applicants may experience, and late submissions may result in rejection of Proposal.

Eligibility  [hide this]

Eligible Proposals must meet the following minimum eligibility criteria:

Non-profit, tribal or governmental organizations with a demonstrated commitment to supporting rural community members to achieve their potential, and to participate in cross-system programming and services for the benefit of residents of rural King County


The following applications will be prioritized during review:

  1. Applications that propose culturally, and geographically responsive approaches that reduce isolation, increase collaboration, and sustain lessons learned and service gains through previous rural behavioral health investments.
  2. Applications that clearly articulate the community identified behavioral health needs within their rural community and demonstrate how the proposal responds to those needs; and
  3. Organizations that are working to build behavioral health capacity within the communities to be served.

Library  [hide this]
Description File Name Date Uploaded File Type
RFP - MIDD SI-02 2023-2025 Rural Community BH v8.7.23 RFP-MIDDSI-022023-2025RuralCommunityBHv8723.pdf 8/4/2023 10:22:50 AM PDF
Attachment A--MIDD SI-02 2023-2025 Summary Q v8.7.23 AttachmentA--MIDDSI-022023-2025SummaryQv8723.docx 8/4/2023 10:23:07 AM DOCX
Attachment B-MIDD SI-02 2023-2025 Narrative Q v8.7.23 AttachmentB-MIDDSI-022023-2025NarrativeQv8723.docx 8/4/2023 10:23:23 AM DOCX
Attachment C-MIDD SI-02 2023-2025 Budget v8.7.23 AttachmentC-MIDDSI-022023-2025Budgetv8723.xlsx 8/4/2023 10:23:37 AM XLSX
MIDD SI-02 Bidders Conference PPT 8.16.23 SI-02BiddersConference81623PPT.pptx 8/24/2023 10:54:41 AM PPTX
MIDD SI-02 Bidders Conference Recording - contact for link SI-02BiddersConference81623PPT.pptx 8/24/2023 11:20:05 AM PPTX
MIDD SI-02 FAQ 1 - from Bidders Conference 8.16.23 FAQ1-FromBiddersConference81623.docx 8/24/2023 11:20:43 AM DOCX

USD$ 0.00 requested
Application Status: Not Submitted

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Summary (answers are saved automatically when you move to another field)

Application Title/Project Name
Amount Requested

Applicant Information

First Name
Last Name
Organization Information
(changes to this data will be reflected on all other applications for this organization)

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1. Where are you planning on serving clients?
Select “All” only if you are planning and able to serve clients from every zip code within King County. This is being collected for information purposes only. This question is not scored as part of the evaluation process.