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King County, WA
VSHSL Strategy SS1 – Veteran Outreach & Resource Programs
CLOSED  Deadline  3/20/2024
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Description  [hide this]

Please refer to the RFP document under the Library tab to see the full RFP details.


The Veteran Outreach & Resource Programs Request for Proposals (RFP) seeks to allocate VSHSL funds to qualified agencies to provide outreach and resources to King County veterans, military servicemembers, and their respective families who will benefit from connection to and provision of community resources.


RFP Release Date: February 14, 2024
Information Session: February 21, 2024
Final Day to Submit Questions: March 13, 2024
Proposals Due: March 20, 2024 by 2:00 PM
Notifications Sent: April 2024 (tentative)
Contract Start Date: May 2024 (tentative)


All documents to be submitted in response to this RFP should be uploaded through ZoomGrants.

The RFP Lead is the sole point of contact for this procurement. All communication regarding the subject matter of this opportunity between the applicants and DCHS upon release of this RFP must be through ZoomGrants or the RFP Lead, as follows:

Evan Brennan
RFP Lead

Any other communication will be considered unofficial and non-binding on DCHS. Applicants are to rely on written statements issued by the RFP Lead. Communication directed to parties other than the RFP Lead on this opportunity may result in disqualification of the applicant.

The full RFP and associated attachments are available for download under the Library tab. Applicants are advised to review these documents in their entirety for guidance on the purpose, requested program models, application questions, and deadlines. Applicants are responsible for regularly checking ZoomGrants for any updates, clarifications, or amendments that may be uploaded.


**Information Session**
A virtual information session to discuss questions related to each part of this RFP will be held:

February 21, 2024, 12 - 1 p.m.

Join by Zoom:


Eligibility  [hide this]

This request is open to for-profit and nonprofit organizations, community-based organizations, tribes and tribal organizations and public or governmental agencies serving communities in King County. Small nonprofit, community-based Black, Indigenous, and other communities of color-led organizations are encouraged to submit proposals.

Eligible Applicants must meet the following minimum qualifications:

  • Currently serve veterans in King County as part of their client base, have a demonstrated history of serving veterans, or have a clear plan to build capacity and cultural competency to provide the eligible services outlined in the scope of work.
  • Submit a timely application within the scope of work of this RFP as outlined in Attachment A, Section II. C., RFP OVERVIEW: The Request.

Restrictions  [hide this]

Library  [hide this]
Description File Name Date Uploaded File Type
Attachment A RFP-VeteranOutreachandResourcePrograms.pdf 2/13/2024 7:32:32 PM PDF
Attachment B RFPNarrativeQuestions-VeteranOutreachResourcePrograms.docx 2/13/2024 7:36:49 PM DOCX
Attachment C VSHSLBudgetTemplate-12Month.xlsx 2/13/2024 7:37:22 PM XLSX
Attachment D GAAProvidersforSS1VeteranOutreachResourcePrograms.pdf 2/13/2024 7:37:44 PM PDF
Attachment E KingCountyCouncilDistrictsMap.pdf 2/13/2024 7:37:59 PM PDF
Amendment_1_VORP Amendment_1_SS1_Veteran_Outreach_and_Resource_Programs.pdf 2/21/2024 9:27:07 AM PDF
Amendment_2_VORP Amendment_2_SS1_Veteran_Outreach_and_Resource_Programs.pdf 2/27/2024 10:55:33 AM PDF
Amendment_3_VORP Amendment_3_SS1_Veteran_Outreach_and_Resource_Programs.pdf 3/15/2024 4:49:51 PM PDF
VORP_FAQ VORP_FAQUpdated31524.pdf 3/15/2024 4:50:12 PM PDF

USD$ 0.00 requested
Application Status: Not Submitted

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Summary Questions Application Questions Budget Documents Activity Log

Summary Questions (answers are saved automatically when you move to another field)
Instructions Show/Hide

Responses to summary questions (Summary Questions tab of ZoomGrants) are required for all applicants but will not be scored. This tab is to help VSHSL understand the characteristics of organizations that are applying for this RFP.

Application Title/Project Name
Amount Requested
VSHSL Foundational 12-month Total

Applicant Information

First Name
Last Name
Organization Information
(changes to this data will be reflected on all other applications for this organization)

Create an Organization
1. Where are you planning on serving clients?
Select “All” only if you are planning and able to serve clients from every zip code within King County. This is being collected for information purposes only. This question is not scored as part of the evaluation process.