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King County, WA
Family Intervention and Restorative Services (FIRS)
CLOSED  Deadline  3/20/2024
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Description  [hide this]

Please refer to the RFA document in the Library section to see the full RFA details.


The King County Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) is pleased to release this Request for Applications (RFA) for Family Intervention and Restorative Services (FIRS) with funding provided from the MIDD Behavioral Health Sales Tax (MIDD) and City of Seattle.  MIDD funding is generated by a countywide 0.1 percent sales tax and allows King County to take an integrated approach to supporting people living with or at risk of behavioral health conditions. In 2022, MIDD funded 153 community partners who served 19,281 people across King County through 52 initiatives.

This RFA is a joint venture between King County Superior Court and the DCHS Behavioral Health Recovery Division (BHRD). DCHS staff will provide support for the implementation of the King County Superior Court’s FIRS program as King County Superior Court implements the program.

FIRS offers resources to families when they are needed most: at or near the time of crisis. Families resorted to calling the police seeking help for themselves and their children; they rarely wanted formal criminal charges filed against their children. Before January 1, 2016, services were not offered to families until after disposition, when sentencing of the youth’s criminal matter occurs. This model often resulted in families withdrawing from the system before disposition because their presenting needs were not addressed. FIRS offers a solution to this problem by frontloading resources where the immediate needs that prompted the family to contact the police in the first place are prioritized.


    • RFA Release: February 20, 2024
    • Information Session: March 5, 2024, 1 - 2 p.m.
    • Final day to submit questions via ZoomGrants: March 13, 2024
    • Applications due: March 20, 2024 by 2:00 p.m.
    • Interviews with Applicant(s) (if applicable): April 2024
    • Notification of selected and non-selected Applicant(s): April 2024
    • Anticipated program/contract start date: July 2024


All documents to be submitted in response to this RFA should be uploaded through ZoomGrants.

The RFA Lead is the sole point of contact for this procurement. All communication regarding the subject matter of this opportunity between the applicants and DCHS upon release of this RFA must be through ZoomGrants or the RFA Lead, as follows:

Tiffany Ngo
RFA Lead

Any other communication will be considered unofficial and non-binding on DCHS. Applicants are to rely on written statements issued by the RFA Lead. Communication directed to parties other than the RFA Lead on this opportunity may result in disqualification of the applicant.

The full RFA and associated attachments are available for download under the Library tab. Applicants are advised to review these documents in their entirety for guidance on the purpose, requested program models, application questions, and deadlines. Applicants are responsible for regularly checking ZoomGrants for any updates, clarifications, or amendments that may be uploaded.

Requirements  [hide this]

Carefully review RFA Section III. Eligibility for full details.

Eligible Applicant(s) must meet the following minimum qualifications:

  1. Have a demonstrated history of operating a 24/7 housing facility.

  2. Have a demonstrated history of providing services to youth ages 10 to 17 who are in need of shelter or FIRS.

  3. Have a demonstrated history of providing specialized services to, and successfully engaging with, youth who are at-risk, may have experienced trauma, are in crisis, and/or have behavioral issues.

  4. Have the ability to supervise, hire, and train staff, and coordinate daily programming and activities.

  5. Have the ability to build relationships with community partners and collaborate with culturally relevant agencies and community organizations.

  6. Have the ability to hire staff to provide culturally or interculturally relevant services to the target population of this RFA: youth who have suffered trauma, are in crisis, and may have behavioral issues. Staff will receive ongoing training to provide services successfully.

  7. Have the ability to hire staff who have the qualifications to handle intake procedures and maintain the necessary case file data and have initiative to create youth centered programs/resources.

Library  [hide this]
Description File Name Date Uploaded File Type
ZoomGrants Tips and FAQs ZoomGrantsTipsandFAQsforApplicants.pdf 2/15/2024 3:42:58 PM PDF
FIRS RFA FIRSRFA2024.pdf 2/15/2024 6:00:38 PM PDF
Attachment 1 - Application Questions Attachment1-ApplicationQuestions.docx 2/15/2024 6:03:56 PM DOCX
Attachment 2 - Budget Attachment2-BudgetwithJustification.xlsx 2/15/2024 6:04:05 PM XLSX
Amendment 1 - Q&A and Information Session Materials FIRSRFA-Amendment1-QAandInfoSessionMaterials.pdf 3/6/2024 5:35:27 PM PDF

$ 0.00 requested
Application Status: Not Submitted

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1. Where are you planning on serving clients?
Select “All” only if you are planning and able to serve clients from every zip code within King County. This is being collected for information purposes only. This question is not scored as part of the evaluation process.