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King County, WA
Crisis Care Centers RFP
Deadline  11/22/2024
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Description  [hide this]

Please refer to the RFP document under the Library section to see the full RFP details.


The King County Department of Community and Human Services (DCHS) is pleased to release this Request for Proposals (RFP) for Crisis Care Centers with funding from the Crisis Care Centers Levy (CCC Levy) as well as Medicaid and commercial insurance.

DCHS seeks Behavioral Health Agencies (BHAs) to create and operate a regional network of five Crisis Care Centers across King County. This network of Crisis Care Centers will create a new front door for people in crisis who need Behavioral Health services. The five Crisis Care Centers include:

  1. Four Regional Crisis Care Centers geographically distributed across King County, as follows (see Figure 1):
    1. North Crisis Response Zone Crisis Care Center
    2. East Crisis Response Zone Crisis Care Center
    3. South Crisis Response Zone Crisis Care Center
    4. Central Crisis Response Zone Crisis Care Center
  2. One Youth Crisis Care Center located anywhere in King County


Launch Ready (expedited): 10/25/2024 by 2:00 PM PT

New Site: 11/22/2024 by 2:00 PM PT

Please review the entire RFP document for other important dates.


Launch Ready (expedited): 11/22/2024 by 2:00 PM PT

New Site: 3/21/2025 by 2:00 PM PT

Please review the entire RFP document for other important dates.


All documents to be submitted in response to this RFP should be uploaded through ZoomGrants.

The RFP Lead is the sole point of contact for this solicitation. All communication regarding the subject matter of this opportunity between the Proposer(s) and DCHS upon release of this RFP must be through ZoomGrants or the RFP Lead, as follows:

Tiffany Ngo

RFP Lead

Proposer(s) may only rely on the written answers to questions published as amendments to the RFP. Any other communication will be considered unofficial and non-binding on DCHS.

Communication with anyone other than the RFP Lead or through ZoomGrants regarding this RFP may result in disqualification of the Proposer(s).

The full RFP and associated attachments are available for download under the Library section. Proposers are advised to review these documents in their entirety for guidance on the purpose, requested program models, proposals questions, and deadlines. Proposers are responsible for regularly checking ZoomGrants for any updates, clarifications, or amendments that may be uploaded.

Minimum Qualifications  [hide this]

See RFP Section IX. Minimum Qualifications for full details.

This RFP is open to nonprofit and for-profit organizations that are licensed as BHAs. RFP responses may be submitted by one BHA or by multiple BHAs that have partnered to create and operate a Crisis Care Center. BHAs may also partner with additional entities to successfully create and operate a Crisis Care Center, including siting, Capital Development, program planning, implementation, and ongoing operations. While a single Proposer may not have specific experience implementing all aspects of this RFP, Proposers are encouraged to form partnerships with other entities, particularly related to Capital Development, youth Behavioral Health services, culturally and linguistically appropriate services, pharmacy services, transportation, and others. BHAs may partner with capital developers and other partners to meet minimum qualifications.

If BHAs choose to partner with one or more BHAs on a proposal: 1) one BHA must be identified in the proposal as the lead BHA for the partnership and proposal; and 2) documentation must be submitted to DCHS that demonstrates a signed agreement or understanding between the BHA partners. Small nonprofits and community-based organizations are encouraged to submit a proposal as a partner agency if the scale of the Crisis Care Center program exceeds the organization’s capacity.

Eligible Proposers, either by themselves or through their proposed partnerships, must meet the following minimum qualifications:

A.    Crisis Care Center Operations

  1. Licensure as a BHA (required of lead proposer; may not be met solely through partnerships).
  2. Minimum 5 years of experience providing Behavioral Health crisis services or similar clinical services (including both lead and partner BHAs).
  3. Organizational commitment and ability to implement a “No Wrong Door” clinical approach; provide the least restrictive care possible; serve youth in the 24/7 Behavioral Health Urgent Care clinics; deliver both mental health and substance use services through all clinical components; implement a large clinical program with substantial staffing, infrastructure and data system requirements; collect and share data for Continuous Quality Improvement of crisis service and system performance; and deliver services in concordance with the Equity Framework described in the Crisis Care Centers Levy Implementation Plan.

B.    Capital Development

  1. Demonstrated ability and a minimum of 5 years of experience developing large scale capital projects with capital budgets of $10M at a minimum.
  2. Demonstrated support of the Permitting Jurisdiction or, when no site is identified, support from a jurisdiction within the Crisis Response Zone (documentation showing letter[s] of support from relevant jurisdiction[s]) for Regional Crisis Care Centers or from a jurisdiction within King County for the Youth Crisis Care Center.
  3. Organizational commitment and ability to comply with the Public Interest Requirements and the Crisis Care Center Site Requirements described in the Crisis Care Centers Levy Implementation Plan.
  4. Familiarity with relevant laws, regulations, building codes, industry standards, and best practices governing Capital Development projects.

C.    Capacity Building and Technical Assistance

  1. Participation in an initial consulting meeting for CB/TA for Capital Development prior to submitting a proposal, as indicated by submission of an email confirming a meeting or similar proof of participation (New Site proposals only).

D.    Fiscal and Regulatory Capacity

  1. Organizational commitment and ability to remain in good financial standing while implementing, scaling and sustaining operations throughout the term of this RFP and related contracts; deliver on administrative and billing requirements outlined in this RFP and related contracts; and remain in good standing with relevant regulatory bodies to adequately deliver and sustain operations throughout the term of this RFP and related contracts.

DCHS will disqualify any Proposer that, in DCHS’ sole discretion, fails to meet one or more of the minimum qualifications listed in this section. In addition to the minimum qualifications listed in this section, narrative questions specified in Section XI.A. Rating Criteria pertain to requirements described in the Crisis Care Centers Levy Implementation Plan. Receiving a score of 0 or 1 on these specified narrative questions will have the same effect as not meeting a minimum qualification, in which case the proposal will be disqualified.

Library  [hide this]
Description File Name Date Uploaded File Type
CCC RFP Main Document CCCRFPMainDocument.pdf 9/23/2024 7:05:40 PM PDF
Appendices A-1 through D - CCC RFP Scope of Work Details AppendicesA-1throughD-CCCRFPScopeofWorkDetails.pdf 9/23/2024 7:05:48 PM PDF
Appendix E - CCC RFP Proposal Questions AppendixE-CCCRFPProposalQuestions.docx 9/23/2024 7:05:57 PM DOCX
Appendix F - CCC RFP Operations Templates AppendixF-CCCRFPOperationsTemplates.xlsx 9/23/2024 7:06:05 PM XLSX
Appendix G - CCC RFP Capital Development Templates AppendixG-CCCRFPCapitalDevelopmentTemplates.xlsx 9/23/2024 7:06:11 PM XLSX
Appendix H - General DCHS GA Consultants AppendixH-GeneralDCHSGAConsultants.pdf 9/23/2024 7:06:18 PM PDF
Appendix I - CCC RFP Draft Standard Terms and Conditions AppendixI-CCCRFPDraftStandardTermsandConditions.pdf 9/23/2024 7:09:54 PM PDF

$ 0.00 requested
Application Status: Not Submitted

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1. Where are you planning on serving clients?
Select “All” only if you are planning and able to serve clients from every zip code within King County. This is being collected for information purposes only. This question is not scored as part of the evaluation process.