1 Create a ZoomGrants™ account (below) or log in to your existing account (above) 2 Select a Program to apply for, then click the Apply button to get started 3 Answer the questions and/or fill in the fields in each tab 4 If necessary, upload any requested documents 5 Submit your application and wait for a decision 6 If you are selected to receive funding, you might be required to submit invoices or reports through your application
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The SPACE Grant Program was established to advance the mission of EMSWCD by providing small grants for conservation-related work carried out by local organizations and schools. By providing easily accessible funding for short-term projects and events, groups can undertake important smaller scale conservation activities in the community with less lead time and administrative burden than larger grant programs. This SPACE program provides grants for a variety of conservation projects including outdoor education and special events. We especially encourage projects that serve or engage low-income and diverse communities. Projects must show a clear public benefit in one or more of the following areas: habitat restoration, watershed health, soil erosion prevention/control, soil health, water quality, water conservation, environmental education. EMSWCD provides SPACE grant awards of up to $2,000. Applications are accepted on a monthly basis, reviewed by staff (according to program criteria), and if recommended, submitted to EMSWCD's Executive Director or authorized senior staff for final approval. Applications that are received by the 1st of the month will be considered for funding and a decision is normally made by the 1st of the following month.
To be eligible for SPACE Grant Program funding, the applicant must meet one of the following criteria: 1. Non-profit 501(c)(3) organization 2. Non-profit groups without 501(c)(3) status (for example, community groups, neighborhood groups, etc.) that retain a qualified fiscal sponsor 3. Educational institution 4. Government agency 5. Native American tribe. Businesses and private landowners are not eligible for this program but are encouraged to consider the EMSWCD CLIP program. The types of projects/events that are eligible for SPACE Program funding are: 1. On-the-ground habitat improvement project. Examples: native plant/tree planting, invasive weed control, erosion control, pollinator gardens. 2. Sustainable agriculture or gardening project. Examples: establishing new school and community gardens/orchards, garden education or upgrading existing gardens, composting systems, water saving irrigation, use of beneficial insects. 3. Pollution prevention project. Examples: trash cleanup along a stream, toxics/pesticide reduction workshop. 4. Sustainable stormwater management project. Examples: parking lot bioswale, raingarden, tree planting, pavement removal. 5. Monitoring project. Examples: volunteer training, monitoring event such as a bioblitz. 6. Environmental education of youth and/or adults. Examples: classroom/outdoor education program, workshops, teacher training, signage, Earth Day event. 7. Furthering diversity, equity and inclusion through conservation projects. Example: equity training, stipends or scholarship to promote participation of underserved populations and communities of color. 8. Building capacity for conservation in community-based organizations. Examples: training to build conservation knowledge and technical skills in staff or board, event speakers, project planning.
Funding Schedule and Limits 1. The maximum dollar limit for requests is $2,000 per application. If funded, the amount awarded for a particular project or event will be determined by the EMSWCD. 2. Applications will be accepted and considered on a first-come, first-served basis during the fiscal year (July to June). 3. Applicants are welcome to submit applications for more than one project or event per fiscal year. However, if an organization has already received a grant, a subsequent application will be less competitive than applications from organizations who have not previously been awarded a grant in that fiscal year. 4. If the available funds for the SPACE Program for a given fiscal year are committed before the fiscal year ends, additional applications may not be considered until the start of the next fiscal year. 5. Payments for approved awards can be made on a reimbursement basis or as an up-front payment. For reimbursement payments, grantees must submit copies of bills and/or receipts with their final report to EMSWCD after completion of the project/event. For up-front payments, funds will be provided prior to the project/event, and grantees are required to submit copies of bills and/or receipts to EMSWCD after the completion of the project/event, with their final report. 6. For awards over $600, the income may be taxable. EMSWCD will request an IRS W-9 form from applicants to which this requirement may apply and will report the income on a 1099-MISC form. Grant recipients are responsible for any tax consequences associated with receipt of grant funds. 7. Total project budgets should normally be $10,000 or less. Applications may be considered with prior consultation. If your total project budget exceeds this amount, please contact a staff person. 8. If you are awarded a grant, you may need to provide a landowner letter of approval prior to obtaining an EMSWCD’s signature on your contract. This applies if the landowner/manager is other than the applicant organization. Please see documents section for more information and the letter template.
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of using ZoomGrants™.
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This Pre-Application section must be submitted and Approved by the Administrator (not ZoomGrants) before you can fill out the rest of the application. Click the Submit Pre-Application button at the top or bottom of this tab to submit this section to be reviewed.
Application Questions
(answers are saved automatically when you move to another field)
Please briefly answer each question with enough information for us to understand your project and how it meets EMSWCD's Grant Program goals. The goals (referred to in question 8) are as follows: Goal 1: Complement other EMSWCD program efforts in habitat restoration, urban water quality, and sustainable agriculture. Goal 2: Establish and support sustainable school and community gardens throughout the urban areas of the EMSWCD service area. Goal 3: Increase environmental literacy of EMSWCD residents. Goal 4: Increase capacity and strengthen organizational structures needed to advance equitable conservation outcomes. Goal 5: Increase conservation benefits for communities and populations experiencing disparities in environmental health, environmental education, and natural amenities. (More information can be found in SPACE Grant Program Guidelines FY2022-23 on the EMSWCD website).
1. Please indicate the type of organization applying for the grant:
2. If you indicated “other” in question 1, provide the name, address and contact person for the sponsoring organization that will serve as your fiscal agent. A fiscal agent receives grant funds on your behalf, serves as the official grant recipient, and is legally responsible for the terms of the contract. If you do not need a sponsoring organization to serve as your fiscal agent, write N/A.
3. Please provide a one to two sentence description of your project. This may be used for public dissemination if your project is funded.
4. Briefly describe your organization. Include your mission/purpose and experience in the project subject matter.
5. What communities and/or geographic area will this project serve? Projects or events should be located within the EMSWCD service area or benefit EMSWCD residents. If your project is site-specific, provide the address of any locations where your project will take place.
6. Please indicate the approximate start date for your project/event. (MM/DD/YYYY)
7. Please indicate the approximate completion date for your project/event. (MM/DD/YYYY)
8. Describe your project – what you plan to accomplish and how? Who will be involved? How
will the project contribute to one or more of the EMSWCD Grant Program goals? These goals can be found in the instructions above and in the SPACE Guidelines. Please include information about partners and any involvement of low income and/or communities of color.
9. List the key project outcomes. Provide the estimated number for each of the items that apply to your project/event only. We will ask you to track the key project outcomes and report on them when you complete your project.
10. Do you want payment upfront or on a reimbursement basis? If you prefer to receive funding before making purchases or payments, please indicate upfront payment. If you prefer to pay for project expenses and then be reimbursed, indicate reimbursement basis.
(answers are saved automatically when you move to another field)
Project Expenses
Provide the estimated cost of each itemized expense related to your project. The amounts listed here should only include those items for which you are requesting EMSWCD funding. Do not list project expenses that will not be covered by EMSWCD funds (those can be described in the Other Sources of Support section below). The total of expenses in this section should match the amount you are requesting from EMSWCD. Some examples of project expenses: *Contracted services *Transportation costs *Materials, supplies, and equipment *Food and refreshments *Venue rental *Printing costs
Item Description
EMSWCD Request
Total USD$ 0.00
Other Sources of Support
If you have received or expect to receive other funding or in-kind contributions for the project, please list each of the sources, their actual or estimated amounts/value, and describe how these funds/contributions will be used. If cash funds have been received or confirmed, place the dollar amount in the Secured Funding column. If you have cash funding that is still pending, place the dollar amount in the Pending Funding column. If materials or labor are donated, place the value amount in the In-kind column.
Item Description
Secured Funding
Pending Funding
Total USD$ 0.00
Total USD$ 0.00
Total USD$ 0.00
Budget Narrative (Discuss the items and amounts you entered above.)
(Optional). If you have any additional information or explanation about the budget you would like to provide, please add that here.
(answers are saved automatically when you move to another field)
Please provide the documents requested if they apply to your project. If you are awarded a grant, you may need to provide a landowner letter of approval prior to obtaining an EMSWCD’s signature on your contract. If your project involves any on-the-ground work and the applicant organization does not own the property on which the project will take place, we require a landowner letter. The signed letter can be provided after a grant has been approved. EMSWCD staff will notify you if a letter is required. The template is available below for upload.
Please answer each question below. Include specific details about the projects and its successes. If your final project is different from the description on the application, please provide details and explanation for those changes.
Final Report 1: 6/30/2023
This report is OVERDUE.
1. Briefly describe your project or event, its outcomes and successes.
2. How were EMSWCD funds used? What did this funding contribute to your project or event? Please include specific information about how you used funds for your project expenses.
3. Were there any surprises? Discuss any unexpected positive outcomes or unforeseen challenges.
4. Additional notes or comments:
Show/Hide Document Instructions Document Instructions
Please provide the documents requested if they apply to your project. If you are awarded a grant, you may need to provide a landowner letter of approval prior to obtaining an EMSWCD’s signature on your contract. If your project involves any on-the-ground work and the applicant organization does not own the property on which the project will take place, we require a landowner letter. The signed letter can be provided after a grant has been approved. EMSWCD staff will notify you if a letter is required. The template is available below for upload.
Photos (high resolution, JPG or GIF 500 dpi minimum if possible) and any other materials from the project. Any photos provided may be used by EMSWCD for promotional purposes.
* ZoomGrants™ is not responsible for the content of uploaded documents.
This report is OVERDUE.
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Final Report Totals
Answers must be entered on the individual Final Report tabs.
If you recently edited an answer, then Refresh Page to see updated answers here. 1. Briefly describe your project or event, its outcomes and successes. -Text questions are not calculated-
2. How were EMSWCD funds used? What did this funding contribute to your project or event? Please include specific information about how you used funds for your project expenses. -Text questions are not calculated-
3. Were there any surprises? Discuss any unexpected positive outcomes or unforeseen challenges. -Text questions are not calculated-
4. Additional notes or comments: -Text questions are not calculated-
1) Please read your Small projects and Community Events (SPACE) 2022-23 Funding Agreement carefully. 2) If you have questions or identify errors, please contact Heather Nelson Kent, Grants Program Manager, heather@emswcd.org or (503) 935-5370. 3) When you have finished reviewing and agree to the content, proceed to the field below to enter an electronic signature for the Agreement. If you are using a fiscal agent, the fiscal agent must sign the Agreement. 4) When EMSWCD receives verification of your signature, then the EMSWCD representative will sign the application to complete the Agreement's execution. 5) Grant Program staff will send you an email that your project may begin along with other details regarding grant management.