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Jackson Care Connect
Jackson Care Connect - 2023 Sponsorships
CLOSED  Deadline  12/11/2023
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Sponsorship Process Description  [hide this]

Jackson Care Connect Sponsorship Process

Jackson Care Connect (JCC) welcomes sponsorship requests to support community efforts that align with our Mission, Vision, Values, and the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) to serve Medicaid eligible (low-income) populations.

Preference is given to sponsorships for direct service projects and programs. These requests will be considered up to $3000, fundraising requests will be limited to $2,000. Consideration will be given to sponsorship of one project, program, or event per organization annually.

Please let us know how we can partner with your organization for the project, program, or event as appropriate.

Sponsorship requests are reviewed quarterly. Please note the following deadlines and submit your sponsorship request and W9 by: February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1. We will review these request middle of the month and have a response for you by end of that quarter.  It is most helpful to submit request at least 60 days in advance of your project, program, or event.

Sponsorship Levels  [hide this]

Preference is given to:

  • Projects or programs that fill an unmet need or align with a specific JCC priority
  • Programs that focus on social determinants of health and advance equity, diversity and inclusion
  • Sponsorships for direct service projects and programs
  • Services for children and families

Sponsorships for direct service projects and programs will be considered up to $3000, fundraising requests will be limited to $2,000. Consideration will be given to sponsorship of one project, program, or event per organization annually.

The following are general guidelines to provide recognition to JCC for awarded support:

  • $1 - $999 - Jackson Care Connect is recognized by name or logo.
  • $1,000 - $1,999 - Jackson Care Connect logo is on all print materials and in a legible size.
  • $2,000 - $3,000 - Jackson Care Connect is recognized as a primary sponsor with prominent logo placement, mention in media, and social media.

Sponsorship Requirements   [hide this]

Sponsorship requests must:

  • Align with JCC’s Mission, Vision, Values, and CHIP, including serving the community with equity as a central goal
  • Serve a Medicaid eligible population (low-income)
  • Not exceed $3000 for direct service projects or programs
  • Not exceed $2000 for fundraising events
  • Recognize JCC for the support given, please see sponsorship form for general guidelines. Therefore, requests must be submitted in advance of the event to allow for inclusion in promotion. (60 days prior to event or when funds are needed is strongly encouraged.)
  • Demonstrate measurable outcomes that impact health
  • Clearly outline what funds will be used for

Sponsorship requests are reviewed quarterly. Please note the following deadlines and submit your sponsorship request and W9 by: February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1. We will review these request middle of the month and have a response for you by end of that quarter.  It is most helpful to submit request at least 60 days in advance of your project, program, or event.

Library  [hide this]

USD$ 0.00 requested
Application Status: Not Submitted

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Application ID: -1