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Tourism grants are an effective way to create projects and enhance tourism to generate revenue for small and large cities, towns, and geographic areas in any country around the world.
These travel and tourism grant programs are extremely popular and attract a large number of applicants, which can make the grant evaluation and management process extremely time consuming and difficult. However, with customized software by ZoomGrants, your tourism grant program can be streamlined, simplified, and automated, saving you time and money.
Grant managers now have access to the comprehensive tourism grant management system offered by ZoomGrants. This is a fully customizable platform that offers full tourism grant program management solutions.
With our program, all the features and tools you need for the grant life cycle are included in the software. All processes and options are easy to customize, ensuring the application process contains the information for your grant and captures the necessary data to evaluate applications.
Our system even offers multi-lingual translations, easy integration to your website, multiple question styles, and the ability to upload supporting documents. The process is easy for applicants to use, and your review team has its own portal, reports, and ability to access weighted ranking, record votes, and manage all decisions.
In addition, our ZoomGrants tourism grant management solutions track and manage the grant from the award through to the end of the project. Data can analyzed through the system with reporting, communication, and payment tracking just a click away.
For more details on our tourism grant program software, send us a message online or call our sales team at (866) 323-5404 x102.
If you have any questions, please contact us, and our Sales team will get back to you as soon as possible.