Get In Touch
If you have any questions, please contact us, and our Sales team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Here are our answers to some of the questions that come up most frequently when organizations reach out to us for more information. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, request a demo or contact our Sales Team for more information.
Our primary goal is to ensure all of our users have successful experiences with the ZoomGrants™ system. We would be happy to collaborate with your team to develop new features to meet the needs of your organization.
Yes! If you recommend a new organization that eventually signs up with ZoomGrants™, you will receive a complimentary grant or scholarship program ($3500 value) as soon as they activate their first grant or scholarship program.
Maybe a better question is, “why is the competition so expensive?” We don’t have an answer for that. Visit our Pricing page for more details.
ZoomGrants™ is one of the easiest application management systems available. We have tutorial videos and slideshows available when users are logged in, so most users can self-educate. The ZoomGrants™ University also lets users learn about specific topics at their own pace. Maintaining an intuitive system is very important to us!
Setting up programs is quick and easy, especially if you have already created your application content. You can copy and paste your questions, document requests, budget information, etc. into the system and be ready to go in just a few hours. If you don’t already have an application laid out, you may want to dedicate a day or two to figuring out what you’d like to request from your applicants. We’d love to consult as you develop your content, and we can help make sure you utilize the system to its fullest potential – just give us a call!
Nothing! Technical support via email and telephone is included for all users. The free tech support often goes unappreciated, however – the simplicity and intuitiveness of the ZoomGrants™ system means that most users never need to contact us.
Of course! After you’ve set up one program, you can copy it over to future years. Copy the program, make a few minor changes for the new year, and you’re ready to go! (But don’t worry – you can tell your boss it took longer than it really did!)
We’d be happy to show you the ZoomGrants™ system in its entirety – request a demo and we can address all of your questions in real time.
If you have any questions, please contact us, and our Sales team will get back to you as soon as possible.