The Citizens’ Benefit Fund (CBF) was established on June 4, 1993 using the proceeds from the sale of Roseville Community Hospital. Each year up to ninety percent of the interest from these funds may be distributed to non-profit organizations. The purpose of the Citizens’ Benefit Fund is to assist in improving the quality of life for the citizens of Roseville. The Roseville Employees Annual Charitable Hearts Fund (REACH) is a special fund that was established in March 2003 when the City of Roseville established a City-directed Employee Charitable Giving Program comprised of contributions by Roseville city employees, retirees and businesses in our community. 100% of the donated funds may be distributed to non-profit organizations to assist in improving the quality of life for youth, families and seniors in the City of Roseville.
Roseville Grants Advisory Commission will have $284,710 from the Citizens' Benefit Fund to award to agencies “to improve the quality of life for the citizens of the City of Roseville”. The Commission oversees the competitive grant process for the Citizens' Benefit Fund. Roseville Grants Advisory Commission reviews grant applications annually February through May, providing the Roseville City Council with their recommendations in June. The City Council has the final approval on disbursement of each of the grant funds.