NEW: The application deadline for the 2023 Cultural STAR program has been extended to 4 pm on Thursday, July 27, 2023!
The purpose of the Cultural STAR Program is to promote cultural vitality and economic growth, particularly in the downtown Cultural District, by strengthening the arts and cultural community. Cultural STAR dollars are intended to:
- Build and diversify audiences
- Promote a broad range of cultural offerings
- Produce a long term impact, and
- Leverage additional financial support.
The Cultural STAR program will achieve these purposes by making grants and loans for projects and programs that: attract audiences; develop and improve cultural facilities; and build capacity of artists and cultural organizations.
The funding source is from a half-cent sales tax, 10% of which is designated for the Cultural STAR program annually.
There are three different Cultural STAR grant programs:
- Special Projects
- Organizational Development
- Capital Projects.
Please review the complete guidelines and eligibility requirements at: