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Office of the Attorney General
FY2025 Office of the Attorney General - Grant Programs
Deadline  7/12/2024
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Introduction  [hide this]

The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) of the District of Columbia (District) is seeking proposals from non-profit Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) interested in operating a FY25 Cure the Streets (CTS), Domestic Workers Employment Rights, Leaders of Tomorrow: Youth Violence Prevention, or Workplace Rights grant program. Please note, to serve more than one CTS site, grantees may apply for more than one grant.

Cure the Streets – OAG will make up to $814,000 available (per program site) in grant funding for Fiscal Year 2025 to be awarded through the Cure the Streets grant program.

Domestic Workers Employment Rights – OAG will make up to $260,000 ($75,000 available per initiative) in grant funding for Fiscal Year 2025 to be awarded through the Domestic Workers Employment Rights grant program, with no more than $150,000 awarded per organization.

Leaders of Tomorrow: Youth Violence Prevention – OAG will make up to $500,000 available in grant funding for Fiscal Year 2025 to be awarded through the Leaders of Tomorrow: Youth Violence Prevention grant program, with no more than $100,000 awarded per organization. 

Workplace Rights – OAG will make up to $750,000 available in grant funding for Fiscal Year 2025 to be awarded through the Workplace Rights grant program. OAG will award funds to at least two qualified community-based organizations. No award shall be less than $100,000 per year per grant.

Eligibility Criteria  [hide this]

This is a competitive solicitation. OAG does not guarantee funding, funding amounts, or funding source based on previous awards. Applicants will be reviewed and scored to determine which programs will be funded.

OAG may use internal peer reviewers, external third-party reviewers, or a combination of both types of reviewers to evaluate applications invited by this RFA. An external third-party reviewer may be a District community member or an expert in the field of the subject matter of a given solicitation who is not a current District of Columbia government employee. An internal reviewer is an expert in the field of a given solicitation’s subject matter who is a current District of Columbia government employee. Applications will be screened initially to determine whether the applicant meets all eligibility requirements.

Only applications submitted by eligible applicants that meet all other requirements will be evaluated, scored, and rated by a review panel. Reviewers’ ratings and any resulting recommendations are advisory only. In addition to reviewer ratings, considerations may include strategic priorities, past performance, and available funding.

The final award decisions rest solely with the Attorney General. After reviewing the recommendations of the review panel, consulting with internal staff, and reviewing information gathered during the review and any other relevant information the Attorney General shall decide which applicants to fund, amounts to be funded, and funding source.

All applicants must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Applicants must be designated as a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) organization by the IRS.
  • Applicants must be in good standing with the Government of the District of Columbia and the IRS.
  • Applicants must demonstrate financial ability to meet program and project expenses for at least 30 days if payments under the grant are delayed or a financial penalty for inadequate performance is applied.
  • Applicants must demonstrate the ability to comply with data and reporting requirements.
  • Applicants muchpossess sufficient capacity and infrastructure for effective management of grant funds and faithful implementation of the program model(s) described in this RFA.

Program specific criteria:

1. Cure the Streets

1a. Applicants must ensure that the CTS program & team has an office location from which to operate. The location must provide ample space for staff to work and a large conference area suitable for meetings, workshops, and other gatherings and activities. The location must also comply with all District zoning and occupancy requirements.

1b. Applicant organizations must have no rules or bylaws that prohibit hiring of persons with criminal backgrounds, or any other disability.

1c. Applicants must demonstrate existing relationships with community agencies and partners and provide letters of support from these partnerships.


2. Domestic Workers Employment Rights

2a. Meet all requirements of the Domestic Worker Employment Rights Amendment Act of 2022

2b. Demonstrate at least 2 years of experience working on behalf of domestic workers.

3. Leaders of Tomorrow: Youth Violence Prevention

3a. Recipient of a FY24 Leaders of Tomorrow: Youth Violence Prevention grant

3b. Invited, via writing, by OAG to submit an application for the FY25 Leaders of Tomorrow: Youth Violence Prevention grant

4. Workplace Rights

4a. Applicants must demonstrate the ability to ensure that at least 95% of the individuals served by the grant program in a grant year be low- or moderate-income eligible individuals or reasonably believed to be low- or moderate-income eligible individuals. “Low- or moderate-income eligible individual” means an individual who works in the District and who earns an hourly wage or salary equivalent to less than 3 times the District minimum wage or who has a household income that falls at, or below, 400% of the federal poverty guidelines issued by the United States Department of Health and Human Services.[1]



Administration of Grants  [hide this]

OAG will negotiate and develop a grant agreement with successful applicants. The grant agreement will be subject to approval by the Attorney General before grant funding will be disbursed to reimburse project expenses. If selected grantee(s) cannot begin grant activities within 90 days of grant start dates, OAG reserves the right to rescind the award and redistribute the grant funds.

Grant Approval
All grants are subject to the approval of the Attorney General, and until a signed grant agreement is issued to an applicant, the grant award shall be of no force and effect.

Grant Period
October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025.

USD$ 0.00 requested
Application Status: Not Submitted

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